Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Relay for Life

This past weekend was the Trine University Relay for Life event. It was from 6pm Saturday-noon Sunday. We had been planning it the entire semester, and were hoping it would be a success. And it definitely was! We raised a total of $5,541 for the American Cancer Society, which is just under our goal of $6,000 but still an amazing amount.

Our theme this year was Relay for more Holidays to come! Our laps were themed in different events, from Halloween with a costume contest to Valentines Day with hearts decorating the lap. The events were a hit and definitely helped keep people there into the early morning.

I managed to stay awake through the entire 18 hour event, plus some more hours after. This past weekend I was up for roughly 39 hours straight! I don't know if I've ever done that before, and I'm not sure I want to do it ever again. But I'm glad I was up for the entire event, to help raise more money for ACS, and to relax and hang out with friends. The espresso at 3am definitely helped keep me alert also!

The few hours leading up to the event were stressful. Making sure everything was there and ready to go, and improvising a few things when we didn't have the supplies, added more stress, but once the event started and people came to relay together it was all worth it.

The event went very well, and we got to pay homage to those we know who have had cancer, both those who have beaten it and those who lost the battle. It was a fun event, with some somber moments mixed in. I am so honored to be able to help raise money to help find a cure for cancer and to be a part of Relay for Life here at Trine!


  1. Good to hear it all went well - and that you stayed up the whole time. I don't think I could.

  2. Sounds like a lot of work, as well as a lot of fun!
