Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Book

Why must I put down my book?
I long to finish the lavender hardback beauty that has caught my attention and refuses to let it go.
Page after page, chapter after chapter, I fall further and further into its grasps.
From the character progressions to the storyline developing, I am hopelessly addicted to its exquisite cream colored pages detailing the events of Raven and Mikhail.
Their lives have become my own; I relate to the struggles they must deal with.
The words burn pictures into my skull; the sentences transporting me into another time, another place, completely different from this world and yet, also very similar.
One hundred pages from the end, I am so anxious to read what happens next.
Fifty pages from the end, will the book end happily or leave me aching for more?
Twenty-five pages from the end, the agony is killing me.
Ten pages from the end, where did the time go?
Five pages from the end, I don't want to finish it; please don't end!
Last page, last sentence, last word.
The book has ended, Raven and Mikhail's lives eternally inscribed on both the pages of the novel and my brain.
Books are my everything; they are my life.
On to the next one...


  1. Claire, I know what you mean. When I am reading a fabulous book I do exactly as you wrote. I can't wait to keep reading and reading and then I slow way down and don't want my book to end.

  2. What book was this you were reading? It sounds great!

  3. Just looked it up - the Carpathian novels? Sounds like fun, maybe I'll check them out sometime.

    1. Its about the same type as those novels, but I don't think it's associated with them specifically
