Friday, February 19, 2016

A Place for Me

I have always tried to be there for my friends whenever they need me. Throughout high school, I was the person everyone went to for unbiased advice on countless situations, from boyfriend advice (which I was surprisingly good at giving despite my never having had a boyfriend before) to family advice to a ranting session. I was their outlet, though I never had an outlet of my own. I suppose them telling me their trials and tribulations was somewhat of an outlet for me. As I heard their problems, my own became minuscule and insignificant. As nice as it would've been for one of them do reciprocate the action to me, I found comfort in being able to help them through tough times in their lives.
Looking back on those times, however, I realized that I may have spent too much time thinking about their problems and not enough time dealing with my own. I started many a bad habit in high school because of this process, like taking on my friends' struggles as my own. I would spend so much time trying to help them through something, that I always pushed my personal problems onto the back burner; sometimes even behind that, if I had a lot of friends coming to me for advice. 
 I never really noticed this as a problem until later in high school, after I had been doing this for so long I couldn't stop. I tried to pull away from peoples' problems, but everyone came to me with theirs and I couldn't stop trying to help them.
Writing has always been my outlet when times get stressful, and because of this habit I've developed an outlet couldn't be more crucial. So I think I have finally found my outlet: my blog.
I never thought about doing a blog until this creative writing class, and I must admit I was not excited to start one. By doing one, however, I have found the beauty and serenity of letting go of all your frustrations; putting them down on paper (even virtual paper) has been a key element to helping me sort through all the thoughts, feelings, and scenarios that race through my head everyday.
So here goes; my blog will become a place of serenity for me. A place to express everything going through my head, and hopefully make sense of it along the way.
For those of you reading these: my thoughts rarely make sense to anyone but me, so if it doesn't make sense sorry. If you find a post of mine silly or strange, that's fine. They mean something to me, and that's all that really matters. If they do help you in some way, I'm glad. Writing has always been my way of interacting with the world in a way I understand. So I hope that my writing can help anyone, if they need some help. At the very least, I know it's helping me.

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