Wednesday, March 2, 2016

If the Studying Ends

Sit in class for hours upon hours
Learn this subject, learn that one; remember this, this, this, this.
Out of class, do these homework problems, write that paper, do that lab report.
On the weekends, don't forget to study for the test, finish your final draft, read the chapter.
When you don't have anything assigned, still look over the information for when there's a quiz
Over the break, review these subjects, finish that paper, don't forget about this obscure topic that was mentioned once and then never again.

Over and over, day after day. The studying never ends.
Even after you graduate, classes never end.
Six months of training, yearly classes to get updated on the new testing coming out.
Take a test every few years to make sure you know what you're doing.
Read this book of new tests, look at this website for the information.
Look up what the code means, search the diagnosis because you never learned it.
Ask someone what the doctor wrote in their atrocious handwriting.
Is that an "a" or an "o"? Maybe its a "d".

Is there ever a break from studying? A break from the stress that comes with learning?
Can we ever revert back to when learning was fun? When we ached for new topics to fill up our mind
When learning happened at school, with maybe 20 minutes of studying at home.
When the only focus was school, not every other responsibility on top of school.
When sleep is lacking because everything has to happen before we can allow our bodies the rest they are craving, aching for.
When you have to eat on the go, or just not eat, because there isn't time between class, lab, work, studying.

Will that moment ever come, when all the studying ends?
Only time will tell...


  1. I understand now. When my daughter was in college she had so much stress. I am sorry. Hope it'll get better for you.
